ECPA Technology
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- ECPA Technology
Electrolysis – electrochemistry has been known for over 100 years and is used to this day, but ECA technology, which means electrochemical activation, was not researched until the 1980s.
Starting in the 1980s, the physicochemical properties of ECA were extensively investigated in Health and Medical practice at State institutes in Russia and later in Japan.
Today, disinfectant solutions produced with ECA technology are widely used in Pharmaceutical, Food, Water Purification and Disinfectant Production because they have a unique broad effect, are natural, economical and do not contain toxic substances.
Produced with ECA technology; The use of Super Oxidized Water, Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl) and Ionized drinking water is certified and approved by Turkish Health Institutions, FDA, EPA, CDC, USDA institutions.
Although ECA is a known technology, the effectiveness and quality of the solutions and water produced with ECA systems; Electrolysis electrodes, ion separator diaphragm, cell design, software settings, etc. It can be quite variable depending on many factors such as.
Ekolit Teknoloji, an expert in ECA technology, produces the main parts (electrolysis cell, ion separator diaphragm, software, control (PLC) card) used in ”EcolyTech-ECPA” and ”ALKALIZER” devices with the highest quality. with its unique design.
EcolyTech-ECPA devices produce the highest quality Super Oxidized Water (SOW), Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl), Sodium Hydroxyl solutions with low production costs, which can replace harmful chemicals used in various sectors.

EcoLytech–ECPA Working Principle
In detail, the EcoLytech–ECPA system consists of an electrolysis cell with two electrodes, cathode and anode, separated by an Ion-separating diaphragm.
An aqueous solution consisting of filtered and softened water and, depending on the application, sodium chloride (NaCl, salt) or potassium chloride (KCl) is injected into the cell. By using electricity with predefined and controlled amperage and voltage values, the cell produces electrically activated Anolyte and Catholyte solutions with high disinfection power that can be used in various applications.
Anolyte (positively charged) solution; – contains a variety of oxidants, including hypochlorous acid, singlet oxygen, peroxide anion, superoxide, ozone, monoatomic oxygen and free radicals, which are known to have antimicrobial properties.
Catholyte (negatively charged) solution; – improves detergent properties and contains sodium hydroxide in a highly active state.

ECA works in the same way as the human immune system. When the body is attacked by invading bacteria and viruses, the immune system immediately responds by sending neutrophils (white blood cells) to the site of invasion.
Neutrophils are one of the body’s main defenses against bacteria, and when activated they produce large amounts of mixed oxidant solutions that effectively eliminate invading microbes and pathogens.
This weak acid, found naturally in the human body, is called hypochlorous acid (HClO) and is a powerful disinfectant. It is non-toxic to humans and is highly effective as a fast-acting antimicrobial agent. Hypochlorous acid is widely regarded as one of the most effective biocides known.

Hypochlorous Acid; With its high Redox Potential (ORP), it affects all vital parts of microorganisms, from their cell wall structure to their DNA, by removing electrons from their atoms. Due to this effect, it kills all microorganisms (Prokaryotic cells) in the area where it is applied within seconds. The most important difference of HOCl from other antiseptics is; The active ingredient is Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which is produced by immune system cells in the mammalian body. Hypochlorous acid is effective against all known microorganisms (viruses, bacteria and fungi) in less than 1 minute and is an FDA-approved antiseptic and disinfectant.
Super Oxidized Water (SOW), Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl), is a strong oxidant that is stable as an antimicrobial solution recognized by the CDC in its disinfection and sterilization guidelines, and is used in direct spraying and many applications; It can be used to sterilize all contact surfaces in the hospital, including patient rooms, hospital beds, chairs, medical equipment and instruments, nursing stations, operating rooms, floors, and bathrooms. Hypochlorous Acid solution has a Biocidal Product License from the Turkish Ministry of Health, Turkish Public Health, FDA, EPA, CDC and USDA Institutions. CAS NO: 7790-92-3 diagnoses.
Hypochlorous acid is 100% safe and non-irritating to humans, you can find over 300 published research articles on its use on our website.
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Хлорноватистая кислота; Благодаря своему высокому окислительно-восстановительному потенциалу (ОВП) она воздействует на все жизненно важные части микроорганизмов, от структуры их клеточной стенки до ДНК, удаляя электроны из их атомов. Благодаря этому эффекту она убивает все микроорганизмы (прокариотические клетки) в области, где она применяется, в течение нескольких секунд. Самое важное отличие HOCl от других антисептиков заключается в следующем: Действующее вещество — хлорноватистая кислота (HOCl), которая вырабатывается клетками иммунной системы в организме млекопитающих. Хлорноватистая кислота эффективна против всех известных микроорганизмов (вирусов, бактерий и грибков) менее чем за 1 минуту и является одобренным FDA антисептиком и дезинфицирующим средством.
Суперокисленная вода (SOW), хлорноватистая кислота (HOCl), является сильным окислителем, который стабилен как антимикробный раствор, признанный CDC в его рекомендациях по дезинфекции и стерилизации, и используется для прямого распыления и многих применений; Его можно использовать для стерилизации всех контактных поверхностей в больнице, включая палаты пациентов, больничные кровати, стулья, медицинское оборудование и инструменты, посты медсестер, операционные, полы и ванные комнаты. Раствор хлорноватистой кислоты имеет лицензию на биоцидный продукт от Министерства здравоохранения Турции, турецкого общественного здравоохранения, FDA, EPA, CDC и учреждений USDA. Диагнозы CAS NO: 7790-92-3.
Хлорноватистая кислота на 100% безопасна и не вызывает раздражения у человека. На нашем сайте вы можете найти более 300 опубликованных научных статей о ее применении.
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